You are a senior team that is…

Experiencing (hidden) misalignment between different departments or cultural groups.

Making slow decisions than you’d like to, creating stasis and missed opportunities.

An overly ‘nice’ team, potentially leading to lower / slower levels of innovation.

Dealing with frequent leadership changes, driving lowe psychological safety and low trust.

What you might be seeing in the team…

When perfect information is not available, it’s hard for the team to take action and be decisive.

The most important, and difficult issues, are not always discussed and/or prioritised.

It can be challenging for the team to disagree, or surface and voice unpopular opinions.

Cross-disciplinary cultural misunderstandings leading to conflict of personality instead of leveraged as constructive conflict of ideas.

“We don’t see things as they are, but as we are”

Anaïs Nin

Inflect empowers senior leadership teams with the skills, styles and systems
to move through and master organizational inflection points.

Increase clarity

Speak cleanly and clearly, to unlock accountability and alignment.

Maintain focus

Keep your eye on the prize so you can work towards systemic change.

Stretch listening

Listen deeply in order to learn,
understand and develop as a leader.

Exercise humility

Increase diversity of thought, enhance empathy and combat group think.

Expand creativity

Inject creative curiosity, to empower decision making and leverage differences.

Encourage boldness

Bring an open mind and be willing
to question the status quo